Maliz - Centro medico a Rho (Milano)


The best obstetrics specialists in Rho (Milan)

Our services

  • ASSISTANCE WITH NEWBORN CARE (bath, umbilical cord dressing)

    * mandatory fields

    1) Preconception Consultation

    Targeted at all women who have decided to plan a pregnancy, in order to assess the future mother’s health in advance.
    During this appointment, a personal and family medical history of both parents will be taken, and counselling will be provided on healthy lifestyle choices during pregnancy, particularly focusing on weight, smoking/alcohol, diet, physical activity, and work activities.
    Additionally, the intake of folic acid will be recommended, a vitamin that, if taken for at least one month before conception, helps prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
    The option to perform a Pap test will be offered if it has not been done in the past three years, and guidance will be given on how to recognize the signs of ovulation to help with conception timing.
    Specific tests will also be prescribed for the preconception period, such as a rubella test to check immunity to rubella.

    2) Obstetric Visits for Low-Risk Pregnancies

    WHO (World Health Organization) has identified improving the quality of life for both mother and baby as one of the global health priorities. To achieve this, it recommends that pregnancy, when it is a physiological event, should not be unnecessarily medicalized.
    For low-risk pregnancies, national and international guidelines recognize the midwife as the professional reference for guiding the woman throughout her pregnancy and the months following childbirth. The midwife focuses on the well-being of both the woman and the baby, with the goal of ensuring that the experience of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period is lived with awareness and determination, while also considering the emotional and relational aspects of the future mother, with less reliance on medicalization. The midwife’s role, which differentiates it from that of a doctor, is that the relationship with the future mother is based on equality, not hierarchy, with the midwife providing all necessary information to help the mother make informed decisions for herself and her baby, boosting her self-esteem, autonomy, and responsibility.

    3) Birth Preparation Course (CAN)

    These are meetings offered by the midwife to guide the woman during the final months of pregnancy up until the meeting with her baby.
    These meetings will cover various topics related to labor, childbirth, and returning home, providing the future mother with all the tools needed to experience an informed birth, where she is empowered to decide how to face the birth of her baby.

    4) Breastfeeding Consultation

    This service is designed for mothers who are facing difficulties with breastfeeding, whether exclusively breastfeeding or requiring supplementation. There are indeed many obstacles that may arise, especially in the first few weeks after childbirth, such as nipple cracks, pain during latching, and engorgement… but don’t worry, there is a solution for everything!
    An appointment or a series of appointments will be offered, depending on your needs, where we will assess the breast and the latch, identify the problem, and plan the necessary steps to resolve it.

    5) Postnatal Health Check-ups for Mother and Newborn

    Both for the newborn and the mother, the postpartum period is a very delicate phase in life, where adequate support for both is essential.
    We offer meetings designed to support new mothers in managing their babies in every aspect: newborn hygiene, care of the umbilical stump, breastfeeding or management of complementary feeding, growth monitoring…
    Additionally, the Midwife will assess the mother’s physical well-being by checking the perineal or abdominal stitches, offering advice on pain management if necessary, and also evaluating her emotional well-being.

    6) “Carry Me, Mom” Course

    BabyWearing literally means carrying the baby on your body. It has only recently become popular in Europe but is actually an ancient practice widespread all over the world, with scientifically proven benefits.
    There are several ways to “wear” the baby, and this course aims to explore them, discover their benefits, and help you choose the most suitable one for you and your baby.
    We will also discuss and try out babywearing therapy or kangaroo mother care, which doesn’t require any devices and can easily be practiced by both parents, creating a unique and special bonding moment with the baby.

    7) Weaning and Baby-Led Weaning

    The transition from milk feeding to solid foods represents a major change in the life of a newborn and their family and brings many fears, doubts, and uncertainties about how to approach it. This is especially true considering that today, mothers have access to endless sources of information suggesting different practices, which can lead to confusion and indecision about the best choice for their child.
    Through this course, the Midwife will help you navigate the vast amount of information available, discussing traditional weaning and baby-led weaning, the timing and signs that indicate when the baby is ready, safe food preparation tips, and much more to help you make a confident and informed choice for your baby’s growth and health.

    8) Infant Massage Course

    9) Yoga/Pilates Course During Pregnancy


    Call us if you want to book an appointment with our specialists.

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